Community Engagement
The Wilkes Honors College has a unique commitment to authentic engagement with the surrounding community. We define community engagement as collaboration with our surrounding local, regional, and global partners characterized by mutually beneficial exchange and reciprocity. We believe that our students are at their best when they engage in experiential learning through internships, academic service learning, study abroad, and community based research that addresses community-identified needs. Our commitment reflects and builds upon the FAU Strategic Plan Platform of Community Engagement and Economic Development.
Community Partners
We are proud to work with a variety of local non-profit community partners including The Edna Runner Tutorial Center, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Jupiter Elementary School, Easterseals Florida, The Lord’s Place, My Clinic, Busch Wildlife, Hannah’s Home, Loggerhead Marinelife Center, St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Palm Beach County Food Bank, Quantum House, El Sol, Jupiter’s Neighborhood Resource Center, Mind and Melody, Gardens Presbyterian Church, Cancer Alliance of Help & Hope, Path to College, and more. For further information on partner organizations contact Dr. Timothy Steigenga, Professor of Political Science and Community Engagement:
Community Engagement Scholarships
Through the generosity of our donors we have been able to fund a variety of scholarships aimed at students seeking to give back to the community. Each student who receives one of these scholarships serves as an intern for up to 180 hours with a local community organizations.
The Wilkes Honors College Community Engagement Scholarship provides financial assistance to Wilkes Honors College students who demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to serving non-profit and community organizations. Students who have completed at least one semester of study at the Wilkes Honors College may receive up to $5000.00 in scholarship funds to be applied toward their tuition and fees during an academic year. Scholarship recipients will be required to complete a minimum of three credits (180 hours) of internship work with an approved non-profit or public organization. You can find further information on how to apply here.
The Alice and Don Hudson Scholarship at the Edna Runner Center provides financial assistance to Wilkes Honors College students who demonstrate academic excellence, financial need, and a commitment to community service. Students may receive up to $2500 per semester in scholarship funds to be applied toward their tuition and fees during the fall, spring, and summer semesters for up to six consecutive semesters. The goal of this scholarship is to develop well-rounded, skilled, and committed individuals who are motivated to engage in STEM education and outreach activities at the Edna Runner Tutorial Center in Jupiter. Preference will be given to applicants with financial need who demonstrate a commitment to community service, academic excellence, and the ability to tutor grade and middle school students in STEM education. Scholarship recipients will be required to complete a minimum of three credits (180 hours) of internship work with the Edna Runner Tutorial Center during each academic year the scholarship is received. You can find further information on how to apply here.
The O'Hagan Family Foundation Mentoring Young Lives Scholarship provides financial assistance to Wilkes Honors College students who demonstrate a commitment to service as mentors to young students in Palm Beach County. The goal of this scholarship is to develop well-rounded, skilled, and committed individuals who are motivated to provide guidance and direction to young people in need Students in the Wilkes Honors College may receive up to $2000 per semester to be applied to their scholarships and fees during an academic year. Scholarship recipients will be required to arrange to serve as a tutor or mentor and complete a 1 credit of internship (40 hours) per semester (fall or spring) for each semester in which the scholarship is received. Awardees are also required to write a letter of appreciation to the benefactor of this program. You can find further information on how to apply here.
The Mentoring Program: The Big Brothers, Big Sisters Mentoring Program at Jupiter Elementary School (JES) brings together select Wilkes Honors College students, as "Bigs", and low income and/or immigrant children from JES, as "Littles". With support from El Sol and Americorps, the college initiated a mentoring program in 2016 matching Wilkes Honors College students and alumni with students in need. The mentors in this program seek to enhance the chances of success for their “Littles” at JES by helping them to better their academic, behavioral, and social skills while also serving as resources for JES families. You can find out more about the program here.